WARNING: to Rob Kardashians PR folks!

Little known fact about Stevie K. is… she LOVES the Kardashian family craziness!!! The mere fact that the ONLY sibling NOT to wear 5″ heels will be in my neck of the woods tonight for a birthday celebration, tonight at Peek Nightclub in Tahoe!!! Thank you Rob Kardashian for gracing our little area of the world and for only being a half mile away from the Stevie K. Condo.. I wonder what kind of fun I can have.. maybe ask him to come sing karaoke with me instead, ok sure that was a trick suggestion as there is NO karaoke on this side of the lake tonight – perhaps just well drinks over at Lakeside?? I mean, they ALL visit their destination night club for about 27 minutes and then take off.. WHY NOT hang out with me?    So ROB KARDASHIAN.. if you are reading this call the office – have your people call mine!! 775-580-7331!

Love your Face.. see you later!

Stevie K. AND Rob Kardashian are both in Sol. Tahoe tonight? Do I smell a good time in the making?

Stevie K. AND Rob Kardashian are both in Sol. Tahoe tonight? Do I smell a good time in the making?