Tag Archives: Melissa Rivers

Will Stevie K. Sell Joan Up the River?

The Grand Sierra’s show room hosted a “sold out” event on June 16, and was over-flowing with anticipation and energy for one of Americas timeless comedic legends Ms. Joan Rivers. The newly, eighty year young actress, model and producer, made a one night appearance that will not be soon forgotten by all who were captivated by her over the top, bigger than life personality.

I listened to the conversations around me, regarding Ms. Rivers age, travel schedule and shows in production.  Never seeing Joan Rivers live prior to this night, I had to wonder if she would be able to bring the energy and life to the live stage, that she brought to the production studios in California, for the popular Fashion Police talk show being aired on E! Entertainment Television.  All of my questions were answered as soon as the tiny Media Mogul set her size 6.5 foot out on the stage for the first time.


Photo credit: Cate Vail

Watching Joan move across the stage, making fun of herself, family and Hollywood celebrities, without missing a beat, taking a break or stumbling on her prepared show was astounding.  We all know that Joan has had a lot of plastic surgery done to keep up her “fresh” appearance, my only comment is.. plaster of paris never looked so good! It truly was an honor for me to sit in her presence and to witness her making fun of the overweight ASL person translating all of her humor to the deaf person in the front row.

She worked that whole stage for a full hour and a half, in which time she kept promising to “get to the end and finish”.  Throughout the show she managed to point out that with age, comes flatulence and a real disdain for children.  She practically threw out the whole audience as she went down this list of specific demographics that she could not stand all the while proclaiming her love for the “gays”.  One thing I will always carry with me is her calling fake people out on the carpet, she is “over” being politically correct and encouraged those sitting in the audience who are politically correct to “F off”.


Joan & Melissa Rivers

In her twilight years, Joan praises God for her continued success in Hollywood.  She currently is producing reality shows such as; Fashion Police and Joan & Melissa Know Best.  She has recently appeared on Celebrity Wife Swap and was forced to face Bristol Palin, a person of interest in many of her celebrity bashing in the past. She was honest enough in the moment to say that she had indeed talked s*it about the Palin family, but she hoped they could move past it for the week they were working together. She admittedly is brash and honest to a fault , which most people consider rude or irreverent.

Over all the show was fantastic, watching Joan Rivers in action gave me hope for my futures.  She shared that the best productions of her life have presented themselves in her later years, her face being one of them. I have recently added having Joan Rivers on The Stevie K. talk show to my bucket list.  She might tell me to “F” off, but to follow in her footsteps I will never be afraid to ask for or go after what I want.. So, Joan.. Can We Talk?

Thanks for reading and… Love Your Faces