Tag Archives: Mariah Carey shoulder

What Did the Doctors Reset for Mariah Carey?

This must be the week for my favorite artists to be admitted to the hospital, what is going on? Last night Mariah Carey was whisked off to the hospital to reset her shoulder.

Mariah Carey, whisked tot he hospital!

Mariah Carey, whisked to the hospital!

While she is fine now, during the filming of her new video with Jeezy for the remix of “Beautiful” she had a little accident. Her husband, Nick Cannon, is directing the shoot and was there for the incident but reports through their rep, Cindi Berger, that she is on the mend and will be able to resume the video soon!

Carey has released some multi-platinum songs throughout her two decade career, and has gone through some major life changes including her latest project, being a wife and mother to her darling twins.  She is thrilled to release her new album, it was  to come out sometime in July, however she has pushed the release date back so she can bring the perfection to this new record in hopes to increase her sales, which are already over 200 Million.

More information on: Mariah Carey, Songbird Supreme 

Other Celebrity Blogs: Randy Travis Vinita