Tag Archives: Happiness

WARNING: to Rob Kardashians PR folks!

Little known fact about Stevie K. is… she LOVES the Kardashian family craziness!!! The mere fact that the ONLY sibling NOT to wear 5″ heels will be in my neck of the woods tonight for a birthday celebration, tonight at Peek Nightclub in Tahoe!!! Thank you Rob Kardashian for gracing our little area of the world and for only being a half mile away from the Stevie K. Condo.. I wonder what kind of fun I can have.. maybe ask him to come sing karaoke with me instead, ok sure that was a trick suggestion as there is NO karaoke on this side of the lake tonight – perhaps just well drinks over at Lakeside?? I mean, they ALL visit their destination night club for about 27 minutes and then take off.. WHY NOT hang out with me?    So ROB KARDASHIAN.. if you are reading this call the office – have your people call mine!! 775-580-7331!

Love your Face.. see you later!

Stevie K. AND Rob Kardashian are both in Sol. Tahoe tonight? Do I smell a good time in the making?

Stevie K. AND Rob Kardashian are both in Sol. Tahoe tonight? Do I smell a good time in the making?

WARNING: Sunshine May Make You Productive

In my travels through So. Tahoe, Carson and finally making it to my destination of downtown Reno to visit with Ashlee over at Circus Circus, for the first time it was drive was with the windows DOWN! It really never ceases to amaze me how great I feel, and how others seem to respond to me simply because of good old vitamin D from the sun! I couldn’t wait to get home to blog about my day and share all the fun stuff I was introduced to.

How many things are there to do in Reno starting THIS weekend? At least one hundred and one, and I look forward to participating in about 92 of them. While sitting at the sushi bar in Circus Circus with Ashlee, she described event after event, surprisingly not all of them revolved around the three casinos that are connected.

First one up, is this Saturday is the very first “Leprechaun Pub Crawl” with plenty’o beer being poured and all blarney must be left at the door. Circus Circus Reno, Eldorado Hotel Casino, Harrah’s Reno and Silver Legacy Resort Casino host this event, if you are in the area come down and get “LUCKY”.

Getting plugged into this community is as simple as spending three music filled days at the University of Nevada enjoying the Jazz Music Festival! Reno has become one of the world’s largest and most enduring celebrations of jazz, with three days of concerts, competitions and clinics each spring.  Starting on April 25th, the campus will be full of people from all walks of life coming together to immerse themselves in the true art of; JAZZ MUSIC!

John Wayne has been referred to several times on my facebook page over the past couple of days, so imagine my surprise when I found this festival out in Genoa; Genoa Cowboy Festival. In true Cowboy style, there is very little written about this event, but it would seem to me that just being around the poets, cooks and real cowboys for a day, might make you yearn for a different lifestyle.

Different strokes for different folks and Reno sure seems to have a “little somethin” for everyone! Come out and meet us in the community!! See you soon!



Pauly Shore now and Jersey Shore later!

Stevie to meet "Encino Man" tonight in Reno!

Stevie to meet “Encino Man” tonight in Reno!

I woke up this morning with the last thoughts that were on my mind.. I’M IN RENO!! While we have encountered our fair share of learning experiences, we have had our lions share of fun too! Tonight, actor & comedian Pauly Shore will be playing to his fans here in Reno at the Grand Sierra.

Following that meeting, the team will head on over to the Peppermill, one of my favorite places in Reno, to have dinner and then take in some terrific people watching and listening to one of the best DJ’s at “Club Edge”. The women all dress to the nines, including their 9″ heels, and the men .. well all I need to say is.. If I was a single lady, this is where I would want to take inventory. Beautiful people, great music and well poured Vodka Crans flowing into the early morning hours.

Life After Divorce Celebration!

Life After Divorce Celebration!

We are really looking forward to this event or celebration, if you will. We know so many women who, when the ink is dry on the paper, don’t know what to do or who they are as a divorced person.  While we DO NOT advocate for broken marriages, we DO promote self-awareness and confidence.  Join us in Tahoe for a day of motivation, new ideas and new friends.  The Stevie K. Show ALWAYS promotes giving and charity, so we will be offering 25 opportunities to WIN a fabulous day trip on an eighty foot yacht on Lake Tahoe with bubbly and pampering, via raffle tickets, so bring a couple of bucks and a hope of winning something you truly will enjoy.