Tag Archives: food

Should Paula Deen Try a Knock Knock Joke To Win Over America?

“I stole it and I hope you hate yourself for leaving it” is something that may have come out of MY very own mouth over thirty years ago, do you HATE me too? Sure, those words left my lips, regarding a bag of Cheetos that were sitting on the counter; to my little sister.  What Paula Deen had to say “thirty years ago” very well may be the ruin to her empire.

Speculation has been circling for the past week about what was REALLY said by the Southern Cooking Goddess, Paula Deen, but her big sponsors are not waiting for the confirmation of what she may or may not have really said.

Today, Target and Home Depot have reportedly said as much as “Peace.. Out” to the butter loving senior, leaving her in tears wondering what will happen next. She had already been given the axe by drug company who invited her to share her battle with diabetes while being prescribed their medication. Big box Walmart won’t place another order for her cooking utensils , QVC recently shared they will place all of her products “on hold” while she concentrates on her current issues.   Will all of these losses leave her holding an empty bundt cake pan?

Paula Deen has been making the rounds in the media, with her tearful apologies. The sassy cook claims she never intentionally set out to hurt anyone with her words, if anything she only used the “N” word one time! “After one time, when a man had a gun to my head”. She noted that she only used that word while explaining the horrific situation to the officers and her husband.  She had this to say to NBC’s Today show “I believe that every creature on this Earth, every one of God’s creatures, was created equal,” and “… I believe that everyone ought to be treated equal.”  If she has, even ONE TIME, called an Asian person, an Oriental.. would we consider her an equal opportunity racist? Or a human being with speaking slips?

Paula Deen Says She IS Sorry. She didn't mean to hurt anyones feelings.

Paula Deen Says She IS Sorry. She didn’t mean to hurt anyones feelings.

I have been married to a black man for year and have several black children. I have witnessed the “N” word flying around like a flock of seagulls at Huntington Beach, with no regard to those around them listening in. I would like to pose this question.. “Why is it acceptable and even condoned for one person to drop the “N” bomb and another to be crucified over it?”

While I am certain we have not heard the end of nay sayers, and perhaps there might be a few more companies who will throw Paula to the curb with the others, one things will remain true. She has created a brand for herself which includes several cookbooks and restaurants. I am here to report that her newest cookbook, not to be released until October, is ALREADY on the number one best sellers list and her eateries have lines around the corner. She maybe down, but that praline makin’ southern belle is not OUT.

Thank you for reading.. I Love Your Face

WARNING: Sunshine May Make You Productive

In my travels through So. Tahoe, Carson and finally making it to my destination of downtown Reno to visit with Ashlee over at Circus Circus, for the first time it was drive was with the windows DOWN! It really never ceases to amaze me how great I feel, and how others seem to respond to me simply because of good old vitamin D from the sun! I couldn’t wait to get home to blog about my day and share all the fun stuff I was introduced to.

How many things are there to do in Reno starting THIS weekend? At least one hundred and one, and I look forward to participating in about 92 of them. While sitting at the sushi bar in Circus Circus with Ashlee, she described event after event, surprisingly not all of them revolved around the three casinos that are connected.

First one up, is this Saturday is the very first “Leprechaun Pub Crawl” with plenty’o beer being poured and all blarney must be left at the door. Circus Circus Reno, Eldorado Hotel Casino, Harrah’s Reno and Silver Legacy Resort Casino host this event, if you are in the area come down and get “LUCKY”.

Getting plugged into this community is as simple as spending three music filled days at the University of Nevada enjoying the Jazz Music Festival! Reno has become one of the world’s largest and most enduring celebrations of jazz, with three days of concerts, competitions and clinics each spring.  Starting on April 25th, the campus will be full of people from all walks of life coming together to immerse themselves in the true art of; JAZZ MUSIC!

John Wayne has been referred to several times on my facebook page over the past couple of days, so imagine my surprise when I found this festival out in Genoa; Genoa Cowboy Festival. In true Cowboy style, there is very little written about this event, but it would seem to me that just being around the poets, cooks and real cowboys for a day, might make you yearn for a different lifestyle.

Different strokes for different folks and Reno sure seems to have a “little somethin” for everyone! Come out and meet us in the community!! See you soon!



Pauly Shore now and Jersey Shore later!

Stevie to meet "Encino Man" tonight in Reno!

Stevie to meet “Encino Man” tonight in Reno!

I woke up this morning with the last thoughts that were on my mind.. I’M IN RENO!! While we have encountered our fair share of learning experiences, we have had our lions share of fun too! Tonight, actor & comedian Pauly Shore will be playing to his fans here in Reno at the Grand Sierra.

Following that meeting, the team will head on over to the Peppermill, one of my favorite places in Reno, to have dinner and then take in some terrific people watching and listening to one of the best DJ’s at “Club Edge”. The women all dress to the nines, including their 9″ heels, and the men .. well all I need to say is.. If I was a single lady, this is where I would want to take inventory. Beautiful people, great music and well poured Vodka Crans flowing into the early morning hours.

Great New Name.. Same Great People

The Stevie K. Show, formally aired as Treasure Valley View, first aired in July of 2012 on KTRV – channel 12 in the Treasure Valley. This Saturday afternoon community talk show put the spotlight on the local celebrities, musical guests and human interest stories. Stephanie Kellum, shortened to Stevie K,  is joined by Joey Raney as her co-host to bring the very best out of each guest who agrees to join them.

The Stevie K. Show has had such guests as Christopher Reed of the Sons of Anarchy and Kimberly Locke of American Idol on our show as well as International guests such as Dr. Greg Hampikian and musical artist Emicko. We have also introduced Genius World Mission, a philanthropic medical clinic in Garden City and several local political figures.

Please join us each and every Saturday afternoon on channel 12 – KTRV. Stevie K. and Joey invite you follow them on Twitter and Facebook and hope to hear from you soon with show ideas or how to get tickets to the show.