Tag Archives: dancing

DWTS: Andy Dick Shows Up and Shows Out.

Thousands have tuned in and waited faithfully to see who would make the first big mistake or show the rest of the 2013 cast of “Dancing With the Stars” up! Well, apparently, there were some favorable comments thrown out as well as the supportive “We expect good things in the future from you..” from the judges!

One particular, crazy and flamboyant celeb  is particularly close to my heart as Andy Dick took the time to stop off at the Mineral Me Too booth in Topanga Canyon a couple of years back when I was promoting my own line of mineral make up.  Even though his entourage was urging him to move along, he took the time to stop and say hello to me and congratulate me on my line.

Andy Dick took time to encourage Stevie K... We love him!

Andy Dick took time to encourage Stevie K… We love him!

Unlike Rob Kardashian, who did not have any time for me this past weekend; Andy, I know that if you were in my area, you would stop by again!!! I want to extend my long distance support to you Sir Andy!!! May angels guide your feet and the #DWTS judges miss all the mistakes! Rock it out Andy Dick!