Tag Archives: celebrity

Should Paula Deen Try a Knock Knock Joke To Win Over America?

“I stole it and I hope you hate yourself for leaving it” is something that may have come out of MY very own mouth over thirty years ago, do you HATE me too? Sure, those words left my lips, regarding a bag of Cheetos that were sitting on the counter; to my little sister.  What Paula Deen had to say “thirty years ago” very well may be the ruin to her empire.

Speculation has been circling for the past week about what was REALLY said by the Southern Cooking Goddess, Paula Deen, but her big sponsors are not waiting for the confirmation of what she may or may not have really said.

Today, Target and Home Depot have reportedly said as much as “Peace.. Out” to the butter loving senior, leaving her in tears wondering what will happen next. She had already been given the axe by drug company who invited her to share her battle with diabetes while being prescribed their medication. Big box Walmart won’t place another order for her cooking utensils , QVC recently shared they will place all of her products “on hold” while she concentrates on her current issues.   Will all of these losses leave her holding an empty bundt cake pan?

Paula Deen has been making the rounds in the media, with her tearful apologies. The sassy cook claims she never intentionally set out to hurt anyone with her words, if anything she only used the “N” word one time! “After one time, when a man had a gun to my head”. She noted that she only used that word while explaining the horrific situation to the officers and her husband.  She had this to say to NBC’s Today show “I believe that every creature on this Earth, every one of God’s creatures, was created equal,” and “… I believe that everyone ought to be treated equal.”  If she has, even ONE TIME, called an Asian person, an Oriental.. would we consider her an equal opportunity racist? Or a human being with speaking slips?

Paula Deen Says She IS Sorry. She didn't mean to hurt anyones feelings.

Paula Deen Says She IS Sorry. She didn’t mean to hurt anyones feelings.

I have been married to a black man for year and have several black children. I have witnessed the “N” word flying around like a flock of seagulls at Huntington Beach, with no regard to those around them listening in. I would like to pose this question.. “Why is it acceptable and even condoned for one person to drop the “N” bomb and another to be crucified over it?”

While I am certain we have not heard the end of nay sayers, and perhaps there might be a few more companies who will throw Paula to the curb with the others, one things will remain true. She has created a brand for herself which includes several cookbooks and restaurants. I am here to report that her newest cookbook, not to be released until October, is ALREADY on the number one best sellers list and her eateries have lines around the corner. She maybe down, but that praline makin’ southern belle is not OUT.

Thank you for reading.. I Love Your Face

WEEKEND: To Tear it Up or To Rest?

Feuding, Laughing and Sleeping Around… Oh My!!! These three words are not the ones that are found in the Wizard of Oz but rather some describing words from a very popular show called Jersey Shore, a reality show that can be seen on MTV.  One of the very popular reality stars from that show not only has landed himself a spin-off from that show but is one of Americas most popular DJ’s, DJ Pauly D.  dj

Paul DelVecchio, more popularly known as DJ Pauly D., will be making a celebrity appearance on April 6th at one of the hottest night clubs in South Tahoe, Peek Night Club! If you are in the area make sure to come out and meet with the team from the Stevie K. Show.  First five people to come find us will be asked to join us at our table for a cocktail!

While the team of the popular daytime talk show will be living it up in the beautiful mountains of Nevada, one country star will be taking a break from all the hooplah of fan fare and music.  Country singer, Wynonna Judd,  got voted off of Dancing with the Stars last night.

Andy Dick took time to encourage Stevie K... We love him!

Andy Dick took time to encourage Stevie K… We love him!

After seeing the re-cap of the dance she had to do, it was clear to me that she was voted off, and rightly so.  She claimed, after the judge’s decision, “this was the hardest job I’ve loved” and thanked all of her fans as they wished her well.  Once again Andy Dick found himself in the bottom with Lisa Vanderpump, but thanks to the heavy feet of the red-headed musical artist, they were both saved to move on for at least one more round with #DWTS.

In other local news, you can attend the 9th annual and very popular “White Party” on Saturday night at Salon 7!  If history repeats itself, and I’m certain it will, as Joseph Squellatti fashion director for The Stevie K. Show, will be in attendance that night covering the event and said it was phenomenal last year and looks forward to an amazing night.   While attending you can expect to see the hottest and latest in fashion and be treated to some of the best drinks in town!! Proceeds from the evening are earmarked for local charities, so make sure to add this event to your calendar.

Maybe you are looking for a way to get into the “industry”.. Take some time to visit with Toni Sutti, of Integrity Casting, this weekend on Renegade Radio, at Old Town Mall in Reno.  She is hosting a “Casting Call” event on April 6th, to begin at 12:30.  There is only room for 25, so please make sure to be there by 12:15 pm to get a seat and a VIP ticket to meet Corey Feldman on April 28th.  220px-Corey_Feldman_2010

From valley of Reno to the higher elevations of South Tahoe we have you covered, with events you won’t want to miss if you have the energy to get out and shake your groove thang.  Maybe your hopes are more set on slowing way down, which includes and over sized bucket of artery clogging popcorn and an under carbonated gallon of diet soda at the movie theaters?  I am excited for YOU to go see the Jurassic Park in 3D and IMAX and report back to me on Monday with your comments.  I honestly had NO idea that they were releasing this movie again, I should have seen it coming though, as EVERYTHING is being re-released in 3D.

Happy weekend to you all!!! Hope to meet you at Peek on Saturday or see pictures of you and Joey posted to our Facebook!!!


WARNING: to Rob Kardashians PR folks!

Little known fact about Stevie K. is… she LOVES the Kardashian family craziness!!! The mere fact that the ONLY sibling NOT to wear 5″ heels will be in my neck of the woods tonight for a birthday celebration, tonight at Peek Nightclub in Tahoe!!! Thank you Rob Kardashian for gracing our little area of the world and for only being a half mile away from the Stevie K. Condo.. I wonder what kind of fun I can have.. maybe ask him to come sing karaoke with me instead, ok sure that was a trick suggestion as there is NO karaoke on this side of the lake tonight – perhaps just well drinks over at Lakeside?? I mean, they ALL visit their destination night club for about 27 minutes and then take off.. WHY NOT hang out with me?    So ROB KARDASHIAN.. if you are reading this call the office – have your people call mine!! 775-580-7331!

Love your Face.. see you later!

Stevie K. AND Rob Kardashian are both in Sol. Tahoe tonight? Do I smell a good time in the making?

Stevie K. AND Rob Kardashian are both in Sol. Tahoe tonight? Do I smell a good time in the making?

Great New Name.. Same Great People

The Stevie K. Show, formally aired as Treasure Valley View, first aired in July of 2012 on KTRV – channel 12 in the Treasure Valley. This Saturday afternoon community talk show put the spotlight on the local celebrities, musical guests and human interest stories. Stephanie Kellum, shortened to Stevie K,  is joined by Joey Raney as her co-host to bring the very best out of each guest who agrees to join them.

The Stevie K. Show has had such guests as Christopher Reed of the Sons of Anarchy and Kimberly Locke of American Idol on our show as well as International guests such as Dr. Greg Hampikian and musical artist Emicko. We have also introduced Genius World Mission, a philanthropic medical clinic in Garden City and several local political figures.

Please join us each and every Saturday afternoon on channel 12 – KTRV. Stevie K. and Joey invite you follow them on Twitter and Facebook and hope to hear from you soon with show ideas or how to get tickets to the show.