Stevie K. is Watching You… #RHOBH

So this might come as a surprise to you, but Stevie K. does indeed tune in weekly to her “stories”.  Somehow watching the crazy lives of Yolanda Foster, Kyle Richards and Brandy Glanville of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, makes everything easy to take in stride for Stevie K.  Thank you ever so much ladies, for not letting us down with the much anticipated reunion for this past year.

This passion filled two part series started off with “va-va-voom” and managed to keep the sparks flying for the first full hour of Andy Cohens very direct line of questioning. Not letting a single housewife off the hook, he truly was relentless in his search for answers.  From the obvious acknowledgement of Adrienne not making an appearance to Kim’s honest confession of not knowing if her sister really supported her 100% through her sobriety in this last season, Andy threw it out and painfully waited for the answers.

I wanted to touch on my new favorite housewife of the year, Yolanda Foster. Professing to use this platform to “re-introduce romance” into the homes and hears of America, I salute you.  You were literally thrown into a group of women who already had personal agendas and missions, and took it all in stride.  While some would say that you were stand off’ish and hard to get to know, you pleasantly retorted “I’m not going to throw my heart on a platter to let you stab it” during a heated conversation with Kyle Richards.


Yolanda your unbridled love for your family and husband, 16 time winner David Foster, has indeed touched my heart. The love you display for your husband, the way you intentionally and obsessively create a world just for the two of you has inspired me to love on my husband, Executive Producer of The Stevie K. Show, that much more.

Being a mother to your own children, never the less five additional children who call you mom, is NOT an easy undertaking. However, Yolanda, has assumed the title and moves heaven and earth to make sure everyone under that roof understands that they are loved and cherished.

Being in the media, myself, I have had to undergo a certain amount of scrutiny and additional judgement; nothing like what this new housewife has had to endure.  She quickly introduced herself with a dinner party to which David invited everyone to listen in as he played one of his many famous songs, whereby she demanded respect for her home and her husband. I respected and admired how quickly she set boundaries for herself and set a precedence for the other housewives to follow.


With the conclusion of the season and the finale show,  Yolanda found herself sitting in the hot seat as Andy asked Lisa if he believed that Yolanda would speak negatively of her and defending her comments of only being able to afford one horse for her daughter.  Through it all, she came out on the other side with flying colors. Closing out the night with this comment “I am not going to waste more of my time on the Richards sisters,” Yolanda writes in her Bravo blog.  “At this point, their behavior speaks for itself.”  I look forward to seeing more of her next year, and hope that other wives can follow suite and keep things classy.