Category Archives: Celebrities

Local, National and International Celebrities.

What Did the Doctors Reset for Mariah Carey?

This must be the week for my favorite artists to be admitted to the hospital, what is going on? Last night Mariah Carey was whisked off to the hospital to reset her shoulder.

Mariah Carey, whisked tot he hospital!

Mariah Carey, whisked to the hospital!

While she is fine now, during the filming of her new video with Jeezy for the remix of “Beautiful” she had a little accident. Her husband, Nick Cannon, is directing the shoot and was there for the incident but reports through their rep, Cindi Berger, that she is on the mend and will be able to resume the video soon!

Carey has released some multi-platinum songs throughout her two decade career, and has gone through some major life changes including her latest project, being a wife and mother to her darling twins.  She is thrilled to release her new album, it was  to come out sometime in July, however she has pushed the release date back so she can bring the perfection to this new record in hopes to increase her sales, which are already over 200 Million.

More information on: Mariah Carey, Songbird Supreme 

Other Celebrity Blogs: Randy Travis Vinita

Get Well Soon Randy Travis

Randy Travis, Country Artist in Critical Condition

Randy Travis, Country Artist in Critical Condition

With top country favorite,  hits such as “On the Other Hand” and “Forever and Ever Amen”  coming from one of all time favorite artists Randy Travis, it hit my heart this afternoon to read that he is in the hospital in critical condition.

His latest tour ended abruptly when his illness hit him hard this past Sunday.  His publicist, Kirt Webster, reported Randy Travis “recently acquired viral cardiomyopathy,”   A cardiologist and internal medicine specialist in Washington gave the description as being”Viral cardiomyopathy can be caused by 30-plus different viruses, but it’s almost impossible to pinpoint which virus it is.”

Randy Travis was played a huge part of my music listening all through my younger years, and made a play for my heart again in the late 90’s with his run at gospel music, producing the song “Three Wooden Crosses” that won him song of the year in 2003.

From one of your biggest fans, Randy.. I certainly hope Dr. Ramin Oskoui and his team are able to get you back to health quickly, because I don’t know what I would do “If I Didn’t Have You”!

For more info on: Randy Travis, Top Ten Songs

Should Paula Deen Try a Knock Knock Joke To Win Over America?

“I stole it and I hope you hate yourself for leaving it” is something that may have come out of MY very own mouth over thirty years ago, do you HATE me too? Sure, those words left my lips, regarding a bag of Cheetos that were sitting on the counter; to my little sister.  What Paula Deen had to say “thirty years ago” very well may be the ruin to her empire.

Speculation has been circling for the past week about what was REALLY said by the Southern Cooking Goddess, Paula Deen, but her big sponsors are not waiting for the confirmation of what she may or may not have really said.

Today, Target and Home Depot have reportedly said as much as “Peace.. Out” to the butter loving senior, leaving her in tears wondering what will happen next. She had already been given the axe by drug company who invited her to share her battle with diabetes while being prescribed their medication. Big box Walmart won’t place another order for her cooking utensils , QVC recently shared they will place all of her products “on hold” while she concentrates on her current issues.   Will all of these losses leave her holding an empty bundt cake pan?

Paula Deen has been making the rounds in the media, with her tearful apologies. The sassy cook claims she never intentionally set out to hurt anyone with her words, if anything she only used the “N” word one time! “After one time, when a man had a gun to my head”. She noted that she only used that word while explaining the horrific situation to the officers and her husband.  She had this to say to NBC’s Today show “I believe that every creature on this Earth, every one of God’s creatures, was created equal,” and “… I believe that everyone ought to be treated equal.”  If she has, even ONE TIME, called an Asian person, an Oriental.. would we consider her an equal opportunity racist? Or a human being with speaking slips?

Paula Deen Says She IS Sorry. She didn't mean to hurt anyones feelings.

Paula Deen Says She IS Sorry. She didn’t mean to hurt anyones feelings.

I have been married to a black man for year and have several black children. I have witnessed the “N” word flying around like a flock of seagulls at Huntington Beach, with no regard to those around them listening in. I would like to pose this question.. “Why is it acceptable and even condoned for one person to drop the “N” bomb and another to be crucified over it?”

While I am certain we have not heard the end of nay sayers, and perhaps there might be a few more companies who will throw Paula to the curb with the others, one things will remain true. She has created a brand for herself which includes several cookbooks and restaurants. I am here to report that her newest cookbook, not to be released until October, is ALREADY on the number one best sellers list and her eateries have lines around the corner. She maybe down, but that praline makin’ southern belle is not OUT.

Thank you for reading.. I Love Your Face

Stevie K. is Watching You… #RHOBH

So this might come as a surprise to you, but Stevie K. does indeed tune in weekly to her “stories”.  Somehow watching the crazy lives of Yolanda Foster, Kyle Richards and Brandy Glanville of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, makes everything easy to take in stride for Stevie K.  Thank you ever so much ladies, for not letting us down with the much anticipated reunion for this past year.

This passion filled two part series started off with “va-va-voom” and managed to keep the sparks flying for the first full hour of Andy Cohens very direct line of questioning. Not letting a single housewife off the hook, he truly was relentless in his search for answers.  From the obvious acknowledgement of Adrienne not making an appearance to Kim’s honest confession of not knowing if her sister really supported her 100% through her sobriety in this last season, Andy threw it out and painfully waited for the answers.

I wanted to touch on my new favorite housewife of the year, Yolanda Foster. Professing to use this platform to “re-introduce romance” into the homes and hears of America, I salute you.  You were literally thrown into a group of women who already had personal agendas and missions, and took it all in stride.  While some would say that you were stand off’ish and hard to get to know, you pleasantly retorted “I’m not going to throw my heart on a platter to let you stab it” during a heated conversation with Kyle Richards.


Yolanda your unbridled love for your family and husband, 16 time winner David Foster, has indeed touched my heart. The love you display for your husband, the way you intentionally and obsessively create a world just for the two of you has inspired me to love on my husband, Executive Producer of The Stevie K. Show, that much more.

Being a mother to your own children, never the less five additional children who call you mom, is NOT an easy undertaking. However, Yolanda, has assumed the title and moves heaven and earth to make sure everyone under that roof understands that they are loved and cherished.

Being in the media, myself, I have had to undergo a certain amount of scrutiny and additional judgement; nothing like what this new housewife has had to endure.  She quickly introduced herself with a dinner party to which David invited everyone to listen in as he played one of his many famous songs, whereby she demanded respect for her home and her husband. I respected and admired how quickly she set boundaries for herself and set a precedence for the other housewives to follow.


With the conclusion of the season and the finale show,  Yolanda found herself sitting in the hot seat as Andy asked Lisa if he believed that Yolanda would speak negatively of her and defending her comments of only being able to afford one horse for her daughter.  Through it all, she came out on the other side with flying colors. Closing out the night with this comment “I am not going to waste more of my time on the Richards sisters,” Yolanda writes in her Bravo blog.  “At this point, their behavior speaks for itself.”  I look forward to seeing more of her next year, and hope that other wives can follow suite and keep things classy.

DWTS: Andy Dick Shows Up and Shows Out.

Thousands have tuned in and waited faithfully to see who would make the first big mistake or show the rest of the 2013 cast of “Dancing With the Stars” up! Well, apparently, there were some favorable comments thrown out as well as the supportive “We expect good things in the future from you..” from the judges!

One particular, crazy and flamboyant celeb  is particularly close to my heart as Andy Dick took the time to stop off at the Mineral Me Too booth in Topanga Canyon a couple of years back when I was promoting my own line of mineral make up.  Even though his entourage was urging him to move along, he took the time to stop and say hello to me and congratulate me on my line.

Andy Dick took time to encourage Stevie K... We love him!

Andy Dick took time to encourage Stevie K… We love him!

Unlike Rob Kardashian, who did not have any time for me this past weekend; Andy, I know that if you were in my area, you would stop by again!!! I want to extend my long distance support to you Sir Andy!!! May angels guide your feet and the #DWTS judges miss all the mistakes! Rock it out Andy Dick!